This ISN'T your father's sport show...
Welcome to The Detroit Sports Authorities Show! It is the only sports show that
isn't bought and paid for by any sports team so we can say out loud what you
are thinking about sports. In tonight's show, the Authorities talked about: You
ain't cheatin' if you are eatin'- what is up with those MLB sign stealers (hate
those Astros), did you care about the final college football game this year-listen
to our take right here-who thinks GB goes to the SB (hint, not us), yay- four
major teams in Detroit and all are trash-here is how we are going to make
it better,listen in as we TRASH this new Pro Hockey League-they REALLY
can't be serious,college basketball snooze fest, it's drafty in here, a visit
by Luigi the Squeegee and so much more!