
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Welcome to the only Detroit sports show not bought and paid for by the teams. This is THE DETROIT SPORTS AUTHORITIES! Topics talked about on today's show include: stupid tattoos on women, are those Tigers still playing, where is Al and pfffttt Mr. Harris, stupid Tiger GM, not impressed by A.J., burn down the Tigers, spring training 2, silly Miguel and his bad knees, 2023 Tiger season prediction, garbage pitching staff and batters, thanks Denny, pfffttt Detroit TV Tiger broadcast team, the perfect Ernie, no Lynn, Lions and a big pfffttt, we HATE sport betting ads, we HATE the smartest man in the room, bet and have no clue, car dealer ads, MSU vs. Ohio bet, Big Dance bets, pfffttt Lomas Brown, no home still for Detroit teams, stupid Hard Knocks suckers, pfffttt Lion defense, remember Stafford, weapons around Goff, SOL, them first rounders, who is the Detroit Pistons, how about them Red Wings, the left wing lock and so much more!

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
John Metric, widely known as the genius of EV Performance, is our guest today. Engineer, builder and racer, Mr. Metric has come up with all kinds of EV hot rodding ideas and solutions (did we say he is faster than Huff?). We are fortunate enough to have Mr. Metric to talk about topics that include: the EV cars that he as built and run in the quarter mile, his new GT 40 project, first drag racing experience, picking the Fiero body, the Lonestar EV Performance battery, air conditioning of the battery, NHRA EV safety and rules, gas burnout, what happens if the battery pack wrecks, how to but out a battery fire and how long does it burn for, the Big Three EV performance, IHRA vs. NHRA EV class differences, going faster than Huff and the Street Outlaws, EV drag boat, where are those chips, Big Three building the EV perhaps wrong, get that controller switched, top end watching EV races, Rivian truck, Ford Lightning, EV charging future, that big boy Lonestar EV Performance 1800tq/2000hp motor, where to touch base with him and so much more! Mr. Metric is welcomed back anytime his schedule will permit.

Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Starting a new drag racing sanctioning body is as exciting as it is a mystery. Racers came up to us wanting more information and we at had questions of our own to ask. In true CKiW iRADIO 76 fashion, we went right to the source. We called repeatedly to have someone to come on to answer our questions in exchange we would give them all the time they needed. They took us up on the at offer and today our guest is Scott Gardner from the WDRA who talked about topics that included: Scott's background in drag racing as racer and track owner, Don Scott, Bill Bader Sr., just what is the WDRA and what is the idea behind it, how they can help the tracks, sportsman racing, bracket racing, national buying programs for tracks, getting more tracks, Ubly Dragway, the difference between the IHRA and the WDRA is for drivers, team finals to the world championship, building new programs, team finals at US 131 still, the World Championships, Milan Dragway, Onondaga, if you are an IHRA driver-what do you have to do to be a member in the WDRA, drag racing insurance, the WDRA rule book- where will it be available and how some of the rules may be changed from the other HRA's, Factory Street class, E-Class, Pro Mods in the WDRA?, helping tracks bringing in big events, the fastest class in the WDRA would be?, how many owners are there in the WDRA, jr. dragsters, what is going to change for the racers next year at the former IHRA tracks, high profile tracks closing, what is the WDRA going to do for the fans, why isn't sportsman class not on tv, how to promote racing to folks who never raced before, encouraging tracks to promote their races, that Midnight Race, sportsman racing can be entertaining, how to keep the fans entertained and get them into the tracks, do not kick the sportsmen to the curb, how to welcome the younger generation to drag racing, how to have more fan friendly events, Mid-Michigan ice cream and the Ubly Dog, Nick from Ubly, Alan Ward, clean restrooms, recapping what the WDRA is, fresh programs (here is a quick peek of the big announcement for next week (?) ), talking about things that are going to happen, NHRA and few if any sportsman racing on TV, Ohio tracks coming to the WDRA (?), the rule book being done in the first of the year, when the time came to become the WDRA, how CKiW will be an outlet for WDRA information, and so much more! (Ed. Note: this is an 5:15 Show XL version. Normally our shows are a bit shorter, but since this is a new RA and it will effect many racers through out America, the decision was to let Mr. Gardner speak as long as he was willing to do so we could get ALL of the information to you about the WDRA. We would like to thank Mr. Gardner for being our guest today and will be talking to him in the future.)

Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
He is internationally known not for just being the second richest Australian next to Barry Gibb, but for his announcing work at drag strips all over the world. If "Wardy" is in your tower, it must be a major event. Today we have Mr. Ward with us as he talked on full range of topics including: how he started with the Red Frogs, how many miles he has traveled around the world to call drag races, 'roos in his backyard, silly American stereotypes, real football, Alan's background, how he got his start announcing race events, how drag racing has grown down under, how many races he calls a year, his time in the Air Force, what he does to relax, how to use humor during effectively, how he learned how to keep everyone calm during an emergency, how he interacts with the drivers in and out of the pits, that four car garage, how he has met so many people all over the world and so much more. Intelligent and charismatic, it is a pleasure to have Mr. Ward on with us and he certainly has an open invitation to be back with us at any time.

Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
-EXCLUSIVE BREAKING NEWS- an emergency reversal to be filed in just a few days AND no more IHRA next year at LID.
At CKiW iRADIO 76, we do neither politics or hearsay. We go right to the source to get the facts of any breaking story that we are covering.
Today, we did just that by welcoming back Bill Jennings who is the owner of the Lapeer International Dragway. In today's podcast, topics discussed today include: a quick rewind on how we got here (no politicians involved, just 12 unhappy locals), going C-2, that darn judge, how the law works, the original injunction, "the worst opinion ever", strange bed fellows, Halloween Week at LID with paintball, candy and spooks?, music shows next year for 10,000 fans at LID, crazy VIP suites with log cabin insides with catering, wedding receptions spoken here, racing under the lights, the million dollar pits for 700 cars and a bit more, no more IHRA next year at LID, running to Midnight under the lights Friday and Saturday next year if the injunction is lifted, new broadcast booth (YAHOO!), that new LID Facebook Admin, why he doesn't just quit and so much more!

Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Welcome to the ONLY sports talk show not bought and paid for by any team!
Topics on today's show: (joined in progress) Tiger trades-what trades and the junk you got, why do you think that other teams want what Detroit has, head out A.J., no to Castro, where's that Tork, the Co-America experience, yuck Chris, how farting will save the Tiger season and MLB, U of M football and no cash for you NIL player, no mo Bo, stupid Lions and nothing there, stupid Lion fan part 5734, no Lion set up for the season for success, where be that Notre Dame, gimme that MSU green, LIV and LIV again, stupid PGA, how about them Browns, hands up the bride's dress and so much more!

Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Welcome to the ONLY sports talk show not bought and paid for by any team!
Tonight those loveable DSA's talk about: the Great Pumpkin and the Detroit Lions, yes, no more Tiger GM who can't do the job, more reasons to hate Michigan Football, how Holland was so shewed before he screwed the Red Wings, not so impressed with what the Red Wings have to offer, Go Pistons, MLB trade deadline-take our team PLEASE!-the Tiger lack of anything is historic, we didn't talk about soccer because we don't care and so much more!

Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Car shows can be a great way to raise funds for a worthy charity, and this one absolutely fits that bill. Our guest today is Ron Steward, President of the Mainstreet Memories Car Show in Port Huron, Michigan. On today's show, Mr. Steward gives his opinions/ideas and fun stories on his time with the Mainstreet Memories Car Show and how folks and join in or watch.

Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Confidence, concise and cool, we like this man's style! Today returning to the 5:15 for his second time with us is Rollie Miller-General Manager and National Event Director of the NMRA/ NMCA. Today, we focus on this weekend's NMRA/NMCA Power Festival at US 131 Motorsports Park at Martin Michigan and a few other things.Topics on the show today include: a quick overview of what is the NMRA/NMCA, a bit of background of Mr. Miller, what the Power Festival at US 131 is all about, 32 different classes of cars running this weekend, how Mr. Miller gets through the race weekend, how many events are run through the year, what goes on during race week, Mr. Miller's Proven Diet Plan, getting into "the groove", the logistics of putting the race together, different track layouts, Mexican food and Ghost peppers, 3000+horsepower cars on the track this weekend, SICK/Tom Bailey and what he is really like, FAST class and what it is, limited gaps between races, Mr.Miller's team, why Mr. Miller brings in his own safety crews, what Mr. Miller drove in drag racing, how he relaxes after the race season is done, the big sponsors, for the series, got prep stickem?, come on into our pits and talk to anyone, Chris Holbrook fan club and his son, a Brian Wolfe sighting, the car show, how to score tickets, gate/race times and so much more!

Saturday Jul 02, 2022
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
It started with a dream and hard work that would of killed many a man just made him more determined to see it through. Last year, he pulled it off with incredible success level that no one saw coming. It finished in our top three event of the year for 2021. And now he is back and he is looking to make it bigger than last years. Our guest today is Brian Scott, the show runner and architect of the Airfield Drags in Three Rivers, Michigan. Topics on today's show include: what will be different this year, 85 cars registered- up from 50 last year, running 1/8 mile on the runway, better food trucks, who owns this land, Farmer Brian, any sleep for Brian, less stress-more fun, parking updates, the unbelievable turnout, do the locals know, bring them pop up tents, tnt on Friday this year, that water box, how about them arm drops celebrity, food trucks will be closer, say hi to the folks in the pits, Ma and Pa Scott, how Three Rivers helps out, the FAA, Water Festival, the uptick in business for the locals, Holiday Inn block of rooms, dear Mr. Mayor-HEADS UP, the hard working team, no lunch break, no bracket but sure to eliminations, rain date, sponsors, downtown Three Rivers restaurants, Prancer, swag, oh yes-Mr. Scott will be doing the play by play on CKiW iRADIO 76, cool hats, water box and so much more. This is one of the finest, freshest ideas to propel drag racing on a local level or on any level. We are fans of Mr. Scott and crew. They hustle when others yak. See you in August...