
Wednesday May 31, 2023
CKiW iRADIO 76’s ”THE 5:15 SHOW” with guest STEVE TIMOSZYK
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
One of the true great guys that represent the sport of drag racing with gusto, Steve Timoszyk is back with us for the fourth time, and we always look forward to having him with us. Topics discussed on today's show include: that drag racin' Timoszyk Syndicate, the Detroit Dragway Reunion's line-up, Mid Western Nostalgia Pro Stocks, Funny Car Chaos, wanna drive a funny car?, get that wild graduation party rolling!, nitro cars, Al Bergler, F-Troop car, how the grand marshal was picked, Great Lake Gassers, Easy Money, Milan Dragway under the lights, how smoothly the DDR is run, get them burnouts, would Steve drive a front engine dragster, 300 cars for DDR!, hero cards, sure-you can talk to the car owners at the DDR and get a pic, multi-generational fans enjoying nostalgia cars, BUGs, the difference between the DDR and the Nostalgia Nationals, how the cars are assembled for the DDR, Detroit Tiger call out, Rock 'n' Race at Dragway 42, what Steve does on race day, parking those car racing groups, the showmanship of the drivers at the DDR, Chris and the fine crew at Milan, how to get more info about DDR and so much more! We are looking forward to being at Milan Dragway this year to be broadcasting the Detroit Dragway reunion. We will be looking forward to talking with Mr. Timoszyk again either at the track or to have him back with us for his fifth time. Always a great guest!

Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
The clubhouse leader with a record 9 appearances on the "5:15", our special guest today is Brian Wolfe- trailblazer of 5.0 racing and now serving as the Godfather to the Ford Godzilla Engine. Topics discussed on today's show include: banana split-coming up!, that new dyno, backlogged engines in the hopper, supply line slow downs, swamping Dave with work, "vertically integrated", who does machine work any more?, US Tool and Die folks, how Brain help bridge drag racing when it needed it most, 5.0 class racing, how expensive it is to get into drag racing today, 9 second cars, reliable horsepower, Dave Radcliff, any Camaro takers at all?, let's talk Mopar and swaps, body tooling and Chrysler, RIP Sergio, Dodge and drag racing, the Hidden Hero Jim Clark and Mustangs, driving a Camaro and..., 3x6 Ford engine, red-yellow-green at Ford, don't hide your issues, get that first "Wolfe Edition Mustang" if ever made, let's develop those new parts for the Godzilla, call 1-800 Wolfe, let's talk Cletus-what a guy!, what is coming up and cool things for the Godzilla, 6 second 1/4 mile from Wolfe, who is running Godzillas this year, Jason/Patrick the good tuner guys, Wolfe's helpers, will Ford every put a Godzilla in a factory Mustang for the public?, Ford 460/ 429, the Hank the Deuce story, dropping by for the Dyno by and so much more! Absolutely, Brian Wolfe is one of this station's all time favorites. Mr. Wolfe will be back with us shortly with us on a new project. This is going to be fun! Stay tuned...

Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
We have him on every year at this same time to talk about what could possibly be the kick off of car shows of Metro Detroit East Side for the season, the Memorial Baptist Auto Show in Sterling Heights, Michigan. Our guest today is David Line, the Producer of said show. Topics today include: free t-shirts and 100 hot dogs, the RC race and set up track, home town style car show that he produces, his helpers, room for 100 cars?, did we tell you that all of this is free and so much more!

Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Detroit is a top level sports town with knowledgeable and passionate sports fans. So why in the hell would you want to listen to some guy in Bristol, Connecticut when we broadcast right here in Metro Detroit. Welcome to the "Detroit Sports Authorities" the only Internet sports talk show NOT bought and paid for by the pro teams! On today's show, the guys talk about: Wings screwed again by the NHL, cut out this "generational talent" junk, do you care about the NBA Draft and nobody from France please, no-risk sport betting, go Leafs-go away, Lion Superbowl Hype can stop now, 5th NFL contract, the Bears slip play, the back edge of the 2023 NFL Draft, while we are at it-ban mocks, Gordie Howe-what an ass beater!, Wings need a fighter now, if it wasn't for Jimmy D. and Scotty or Trader Jack and Daddy Rich, Vernon and Ozzie, no Mr. Lewis, does Columbus deserve an NHL team, Bishop Airport, long distant driving snacks, the Tigers and the crappy division to win, Tork and E-Rod, love that Zack and so much more!

Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Four time "5:15" guest Karri Anne Beebe is back with us and we are glad she is! Always thoughtful and a straight shooter with her responses, Karri is one of multi-repeating guest on the "5:15" with good reason. Some of the topics discussed on the show today include: Friday heads up racing at Milan, staying close to home this season, how her season is going, changes to the car, the costs of racing, those famous Beebe Can 'o' Cash in the backyard, challenges of getting a crew together, customer service at Milan this year, Karri's real age, another generation of drag racers, Karri the granny?, jr. dragsters, getting kids at the track, look out for that three year old, the Dragon story, fans in the pits,want to paint that car a different color, sit on Karri's seat, shout-outs, and so much more! We look forward to having Karri as a five time guest any time her schedule permits.

Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Welcome to the only Detroit sports talk show NOT bought and paid by any on the Detroit sports teams so we can tell you how it really is! Tonight's topics include: say about that NFL draft, why this draft blew, Mock no More, eh players-wrong position, about that Brad guy, hmmmm calling all Jalens, keep picking those injured early round picks, way not to pay Detroit pitchers and glad to see them back, he's in the best shape of his life,m about those OPS Tiger hitting list, Detroit Pistons-just why, nothing about NASCAR and so much more!

Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
It is time for the only locally produced Detroit sports podcast NOT bought and paid for by outside influences so they can tell you how it is! Tonight, we welcome back Kenny Pocket back to Studio B and talk about such topics as: YAY, it's time for our Mock Draft for 2023 and this is who the Lions should get, gamble, gamble and GONE, rookie gets nailed for gambling and then go to LV, NFL and that gambling rule, no Mr. Carter please, do you really want to give Goff $225 mil., stop the mock, trade out of 6?, 8-1 mirage, thank God no more Mock, let's see that Red Wing Plan, "the culture", Zack Wilson, thank you Jets zzzz, no Lamarr here or there, Goff $80 mil. for 2 year extension we can do, maybe, them Leafs, the Tampa fall down, a better kinda Red Wing year, get a tough guy for the Wings please, Bert in Boston, NBA draft zzz, Cade and fall and so much more!

Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
When we are not doing drag racing related things or programming more high performance hits of the '60 &70's for the station, it is not uncommon for staff to grab one of our classic video game consoles (CVGC) from our Studio A and start rocking. You will be able to see all of our CVGCs when we start our video podcast in a few weeks in the backround. We found REBOOT when one of our first gen XBOXs fell ill. We had a blast when we went there and decided to have the REBOOT team on with us to talk about all things CVGC. On today's show, we have Jacob, Ryan and Chubs (Chris) on with us to discuss topics including: the beginning of video classic gaming (Nintendo, Sega, Atari, Playstation, Magnavox, etc.), everyone's first video game, Kmart, R.O.B., Ryan in the hospital, McDonalds and hospital video gaming kiosks, game collectors, is it an Atari or a Sears, Wild West era of CVGC, Custer's Revenge, the best/worst game, Haze, State of Emergency, game box art, Nintendo marketing, Wii, buying a CVGC at REBOOT, no bootlegs, horror stories on fixing customer's CVGC, how REBOOT fixes consoles, what happened to SEGA, 3DO, CDI gaming, add-ons, Intellivision, how to use a CVGC on a modern television, those woodgrain CVGC, top 3 CVGC of all time, Dreamcast and Bleemcast, best/worst CVGC to work on and so much more! Great group of guys, they will be back with us in October. Stay tuned.

Monday Apr 24, 2023
CKiW iRADIO 76’s ”THE 5:15 SHOW” with Guest JOHN (Kramer) QUICK
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
We like this guy. A good Eastside/Downriver man ready to hit the dusty trail in a gunslinger's search of winning drag racing payouts, no matter the cost or travel. Today, out guest is infamous John (Kramer) Quick. Topics discussed on today's show include: John's first drag race, traveling across the United States to race, laying brick, the cost of drag racing,"the Crash", No-Prep Kings, racing down south , getting sponsors, where some promoters fail terribly, that money on top, racing in the Midwest, Milan Dragway, Ubly Dragway, shout-outs, the TV show, meeting fans and yes, you can get a picture, what other class would John race if offered, drag racer that had the most impact on him, would John be a promoter one day, the chess game of drag racing and so much more! We have invited John back to be with us soon. As we said, we like this guy...

Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
A CKiW iRADIO 76 EXCLUSIVE: Our interview with LID owner Bill Jennings. Topics include: the No-Prep Series between Onondaga Dragway and LID, The "Drag Week" with Milan Dragway and LID (so far), bringing back the "Michigan Nationals" where many of the dragstrips in Michigan come together for a "National" event at a revolving track in Michigan, the breaking news of the Court of Appeals in Michigan ruling 4/12/23 on the LID case (stay tuned) and many, many more topics from Mr. Jennings and LID.